Caribbean Financial NetworkJamaica Credit Unions

Insurance Employees Co-operative Credit Union

"A Union of Possibilities"

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Kingston 10
The Insurance Employees Co-op Credit Union Ltd. (IECCU) was registered under the Co-operative Societies Act and Regulations on October 28, 1977 and held the first Annual General Meeting on November 28th, of the same year. The new Board of Directors of I.E.C.C.U. borrowed $4,000.00 from the Life Underwriters Association of Jamaica (LUAJ) to furnish 120 sq. ft. of office space rented at the LUAJ's Headquarters, 72 Hope Road, Kingston 6. The office was staffed with one fulltime employee and opened for business on the 1st Monday in December 1977. At the end of the first year IECCU outgrew its office space and had to seek more space upstairs from the owner of the property.

Public Sector Employees Co-operative Credit union Ltd

"Where your financial security matters most"

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Kingston 5
We are a premier financial institution providing quality services for over six thousand members. The objective of the Credit Union is to create a source of credit for its members at legitimate interest rates for provident and productive purposes. The Credit Union offers a wide range of products and services, including secured and unsecured loans, savings and deposit investments, insurance, ATM service, and a bill payment outlet. On June 14, 2014 the membership approved a name change for the Credit Union. This name change was imperative based on the approved merger between the Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) and the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). Effective July 18, 2014 the new name for the Credit Union is Public Sector Employees Co-operative Credit Union Ltd (PSECCU). “Like any major decision in life, this one took time and careful thought. A name is a major identification feature for any organization. The name Jamaica Special Constabulary Co-op Credit Union (JSCCCU) has served us well and we are proud of all that we have accomplished as JSCCCU.

Trelawney Co-operative Credit Union Limited

"Start A Habit Today And Save The Trelawney Co-operative Credit Union Way"

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The Trelawny Co-operative Credit Union was registered , January 11, 1968. The Credit Union started at the Long Pond Sugar Estates as the Trelawny Estates Co-operative Credit Union Limited with only employees of Trelawny Estates being eligible for membership. On April 28, 1975 discussions were held and recommendation made to extend our bond to facilitate registration as a parish Credit Union. At General Meeting held November 18, 1975 the bond of the Trelawny Estates Co-operative Credit Union was opened to include all residents and employees in the Parish of Trelawny and the Credit Union was named The Trelawny Co-operative credit Union Limited. The Parish bond was registered on the 12th January 1976.

NAJ Health Services Co-Operative Credit Union

"Helping You To Realize Your Dreams"

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In 1976, a group of nurses thought that if they pooled their resources and formed a co-operative, they would be able to satisfy some of their economic needs. In 1976, a group of nurses thought that if they pooled their resources and formed a co-operative, they would be able to satisfy some of their economic needs. The group’s expectation became a reality on August 5, 1976, when NAJ Co-operative Credit Union Limited became a registered entity. The Credit Union was established to promote thrift among its members by affording them an opportunity to accumulate their savings; to create a source of credit for provident or productive purposes at a reasonable rate of interest and to provide the opportunity for members to use and control their money for their mutual benefit. On July 1, 2013 the Bond was widened to include all Nurses, Registered Midwives, Registered Medical Doctors, other Health Care Providers, and their immediate family members, permanent employees of the NAJ and the NAJ and Health Services Co-operative Credit Union, which signals the expansion of our Credit Union. Our new name is now NAJ & Health Services Co-operative Credit Union. The Credit Union continues to be committed to the promotion of thrift among its members as well as the provision of sound financial advice and assistance through a wide range of financial services delivered by a highly efficient and motivated staff that is committed to excellence.

Postal Cooperative Credit Union

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Kingston 4
Mission The Postal Cooperative Credit Union is committed to be the best provider of financial services to member; To offer sound and responsible advice to members in order to secure savings and investments; To improve the standard of living of members and foster their economic independence; To ensure the continued viability of the society.

Palisadoes Co-op Credit Union

"To Create And Maximise Members' Equity & Wealth"

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We are 66 years old (having been registered on April 21 1953) We cater to persons working in the aviation, construction (cement) and petroleum industries, their families and persons working in communities contiguous to all the airports, aerodromes, petroleum and cement companies in Jamaica. We take our corporate responsibility very seriously, and are proud to be recognized as good corporate citizens. We reach out to persons and organisations in need through a fund which the members so willingly approve each year at our Annual General Meeting.

N.C.B Employees Co-operative Credit Union Limited

"Serving Employees From All Financial Institutions"

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Kingston 10
Prompted by the good that a Credit Union can do for just about any group of individuals, a request was made to the management of the National Commercial Bank by Messrs. Norman Vickers and Orville Johnson that the staff be allowed to form a Credit Union. The idea once accepted by the Management, was warmly received by the staff members and Mrs. Irene Hughes, the first Manager, made the necessary preparations and the N.C.B. Employees Co-operative Credit Union Limited became a reality. The Credit Union was established on April 2, 1992, formally registered on August 17, 1992. As early as May 1992 it was proposed by the Registrar of Co-operatives and Friendly Societies that the Credit Union Membership Bond should include employees of all Banks. Its inaugural General Meeting was held on October 10, 1992. The starting Share Capital was $398,000.00, membership approximately 550. Mr. Glenworth Francis, General

Manchester Co-operative Credit Union Ltd

"Where Service Exceeds Expectations"

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The Manchester Co-operative Credit Union (1977) Limited had its genesis in 1947 as a study group under the leadership of the late principal of the then Holmwood Practical Training Centre (now Holmwood Technical High School), Mr. F. R. Ricketts and his assistant the late Mr. Sydney Carter. The study group moved from house to house, sharing the vision and philosophy of the Credit Union and the prospects for the future. The response was positive and so the movement grew at a very rapid pace, with the first members coming mainly from the staff of Holmwood and members of the immediate community. Also prominent in the study group, was the late Fr. John P. Sullivan, himself a pioneer of the Credit Union Movement in Jamaica. The group was named the Middlesex Co-operative Credit Union and was registered under the Provident Society Act in 1948. This was before the advent of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies Act, which came about in 1950 and eventually took over Middlesex in 1951. During the developments, there was no paid staff and all the work was done by volunteers. The office was established upstairs the Emergency Drug Store owned then by the late Elsie Bailey, but later moved to share office space with the Christiana Peoples Co-operative Bank (the first such bank in Jamaica).